Progression and Pedagogy of Design: Contextualizing Design based Pedagogy in Teacher Education Programs

Acabamos de recibir a resolución favorable do proxecto Europeo Erasmus Plus “Progression and Pedagogy of Design: Contextualizing Design based Pedagogy in Teacher Education Programs”, no que participa a área de Didáctica das Ciencias Experimentais, e como IP en España, a nosa compañeira Blanca Puig. Parabéns para todo o GI RODA e moi especialmenete para Blanca polo seu … Ler máis

Teachers’ Representations About the Teaching-Learning Process of the Subject Landscape and Sustainability in Secondary Classrooms in Galicia, Spain

Novo artigo publicado na revista Educare: Riveiro-Rodríguez, T., Domínguez-Almansa, A., & López-Facal, R. (2020). Teachers’ Representations About the Teaching-Learning Process of the Subject Landscape and Sustainability in Secondary Classrooms in Galicia, Spain. Revista Electrónica Educare, 24(3), 1-23.